Froggy Part IV: Frogilina the Giant Frog Godess

We were in the pool yesterday when Mike’s friend Liam and his brother Chris were over, and we saw this humungeous frog in the pool!! It was like twice the size of my hands, and I have pretty big hands for a 5″7, 13 year old girl! I decided it had to be like the Queen Bee of the frogs in our creek, because I’m tellin you this thing was massive! So I named it Frogilina the Giant Frog Godess because when you hear about godesses, you usually hear them being described as beautiful but slightly intimidating, and this frog was definitley intimidating to the tiny frogs I’ve seen. But then, Sam wrecked my whole “Frogland Godess” theory by saying, “It’s a bull frog, smart one.” Oh well, I think it was one of my more creative theories :)

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